
Fixed. Thank you, you dick-nosed angel.



He loves you, you idiot.

Now you're making a mountain out of a guacamole hill.

And the lack of jobs!

Doctors suggest those who cut themselves simply "guac it off."

Yeah, they all take their wedding vowels too seriously to commit sexual anything outside of their respective marriages.

Math: not even once.

Why, those colors don't run!

She's a little too feisty for my tastes

You may find some of those positions…uncomfortable.

Pepperidge Farms remembers. It remembers your mom real good.

Remember How I Met Your Mother?

The spiritual baby of Night Court and The Purge

I look forward to the gag reel on the dvd release.

I want a Parks N Rec spinoff/crossover with The Purge, starring Perd Hapley and following his wacky Purge-related adventures.

"Lady, I'm afraid I'm gonna have to ask you to leave the studio."

It's viral marketing! Because of the viruses I carry!

I wrote that in many high school yearbooks. Would've been more if campus security hadn't threatened to sic Betsy DeVos on me.