
It's time to change shoes, and kick some ass.

*audience oooooooos*

Friendler's List

What if they just called it The Black-ishlist? ABC would pick that shit right up.

And the promotional szech*burrrrrp*uan sauce, Morty!

"…yes he did. Now finish your oatmeal."

The AV Club

"We named you after an Adam Driver, you know, from the Girls show your mom always watches from the couch where she sleeps? We named you after a character he did in a sci-fi movie. Star Trek VII."

"They came from behind!"

One does not simply rush into litigation.

*plays Linkin Park's Breaking the Hobbit*

What do you get when you cross a brown chicken with a brown cow?

*cuddles with @jakegyllenhaal1234:disqus's take for warmth*

It's true; I have yet to see her upvote herself.

I thought they were sexy.

It's a Candleshoe remake. Calling it now.

Classic Nature vs Nurture.

It's appropriate. Otherwise, he'd have to go with a lowercase "the" and that just seems ridiculous.

Loiter Squad
The Jellies
The Squad Jellies

I hope they don't go Overboard with this tech.