
"Do meesa look like a clowns to you?"

And Tron!

Hot glue some potatoes to him, and give him a filthy wife with a bawling child. Boom. Done.

Irish-ify him another 10%.

It sounds like Toy Story has more implied sodomy than I remember.

Have an ice time!

He' can be hard to kick, if that's your meaning.

And I was doing a bit from Archer. We are a pair, aren't we.

Did you see Regis this morning?

Points for using the word temerity, Esther. You're the first to use it since Harper Lee.

Holy shit, yes.

Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow

Get with the programming, soldier.

Edge of Tomorrow 2: Cruise Control

Game over, man.

I'm sure he's hoppy to be there.


Nobody exists on purpose. We're all going to die. Come do shots?

Everyone has their grieving process.

Saves calories that way, too.