I find it hilarious that it is literally in better condition than every single one of Tracy’s projects.
I find it hilarious that it is literally in better condition than every single one of Tracy’s projects.
Great, now I can’t get my car out. Make up your minds, HOA bosses!
“Hopefully the neighborhood and the HOA can work together on a more logical solution.”
Or alternatively, agree to the $7k and don’t show up, or show up 30 minutes late with $3.5k cash and say that’s all you have and you need it to get to work or you’ll lose your job.
If that’s the name of the game, start sending her texts in all caps at 3am saying how her asking price is bullshit and she’s a bad person but you’ll buy it for $200.
Orrrrr you could just buy all of David Tracy’s Jeeps and have like $4,500 to repair them with for your $5000....
It’s like he has no idea what opposite lock is, or how to use it. I wouldn’t be surprised if most of that oppo was just from the steering forces induced by the slide, rather than by him knowing what to do. Way too little, way too late.
Related: I think I hate these people more than the driver of the car. These are the…
in terms of panel fit and finish and interior build quality yeah, even the 30 something grand CLA will beats the Model X hands down.
The tip to the rental company was when the vehicle was returned with no panel gaps.
Actually, yeah. They kinda are.
The Canadian Gulag is Toronto.
I don’t see the issue.
Also a great rebuke to the leftists/socialists who dream of a socialist utopia, like those on Gawker/Jezebel/other sites.
YES! YES! A THOUSAND TIMES YES! If they are combining Skyactive X, the styling of their concepts, manual transmissions, and no damn infotainment I might be a Mazda customer for life. (or at least as long as they can keep this wonderfulness going)
But how will I be blinded at night within the confines of my own car?
They have this secretive R&D department where the curator demands everything in black and really dark grays which soaks up a lot of the production capacity.
What if your nephew was like, “I’m not sure I’m even gonna vote. These people are both bad” on election day. But then the day after the election he wrote a blog on deadspin about how we’re all fucked because Trump won? What should I say to this specific type of shithead nephew?