
Crossover: The car for people who have no idea at all what they want or need.

Except that manual option seems to be short one pumpkin. Call me when I can get a stick and all wheel drive.

Is this sponsored content? or is that seriously all you had to say...

He hasn’t even done anything to it. It was a test car that they accidentally sold, and it’s way faster than other Mustangs, but they won’t tell him what they did to it.

Allegedly the fastest car in the world is car referred to as “My Buddy’s Mustang”. I hear about it at every car show but have yet to lay eyes on it.

Was probably a V6 with an exhaust.

I say that having personally owned an Italian motorcycle, Italian car and Italian espresso machine.

unlimited slip

Wut?  You think the FBI made the Democrats nominate a woman who they were investigating? Are the voices in your head telling you this, or do actually have some evidence that supports this ‘theory?’

Maybe next time you should nominate a woman who’s not under FBI investigation, just to be safe.

Exactly. I am surprised they have not taken the route of Tesla and gotten billions of dollars in Federal subsidies and grants. That is the ONLY thing that allowed Tesla to get a car to market.

It’s more like Faraway Future now.

But it takes a lot of work to make the earth flat since it’s naturally round

All they’ve done so far is push some sand around in the desert.

You do realize that the lede picture is just an architect’s rendering, right? Per AECOM’s response, they have only completed grading and foundation prep. A foundation hasn’t even begun to be poured yet. So the only thing that would be wasted if nothing new develops is a bunch of dirt/sand that got trampled flat.

Shocking! are expecting Jalopnik/the sites formerly known as Gawker to use Actual Journalistic Standards in their reporting?


Click bait headlines are just the start.... Full on bias blows Fox/Reuters out of the water. Good luck though.

They were either lying through their teeth, or the photos are stolen.

Far less dangerous than that 70's game of “hide in the old refrigerator”