
Personally I think they should stay until their apoplectic tendencies lead to a debilitating stroke, where they spend the rest of their days mutely staring at his garage in unabated, silent hatred.

Everyone hates lawyers until they need one.

People who hate all lawyers because they’ve been told to suck and are boring too.

The ‘fucking lawyers’ were hired by the fucking assholes who fucking hated their fucking neighbor’s fucking garage, you fucking dunce.

On the plus side, the judge found in his favour, and his building and hobby are safe.

On the other hand, he still has assholes for neighbours.

(Yes, I’m English, so favour and neighbour are spelled correctly)

You have such large books.

That would make a good bumper sticker to put on all hypercars, supercars and exotics.

I agree. If I want to get rid of a car after a few months I’ve made a wrong choice. Would rather ride stuff until the wheels fall off, and take care of them so they don’t.

“Think about how many things you might be spending $500 a month on: weekend bar-hopping, clothes-shopping,”

Yes, with the additional hassle of buying and selling them, plus the taxes.

What’s this “park” that you speak of? You put it in neutral to save wear on you left leg.

Only psychopaths do this.

Username checks out.

Exactly. This is Jalopnik. Take this article to other cancerous Liberal sub-forums. Cars only here please!

No, no. Everyone objects to Florida Georgia Line existing.

A southern black guy that lived in Detroit got me into country music. He was the head mechanic at he bike shop I worked at. Far West suburbs, rich white boys working at the shop with their Metallica and Stone Temple Pilots...when he was around, you didn’t touch that radio! It was Clint Black and Randy Travis.

Exactly. This needs more stars. I’m sick and tired of people jumping to the conclusion that just because somebody disapproves/dislikes a black person or their actions it because of racism. For instance I have friends who accused me of racism for disliking everything about Obama’s platform and policies, because “you

Agreed. I want to see country singers if I was watching the CMA.

But Gawker.

“It was rare, to say the least, to see a black singer on stage at such a white event”