
I mean, the blackface tweet is simply calling a spade a spade, idk how that is ill advised

Like Missanelli or not, he’s not a racist. He’s frequetly criticized for being overly PC. As far as sports hosts go, he has a pretty good view on race relations and talks about it frequently.

Go Fuck Yourself

Soul Woman: The Rachel Dolezal Story

So the white guy pretending to be black stays on, but the guy criticizing the white guy pretending to be black... he gets the axe?

Like Peter Thiel’s personal life. right?

This is Gawker media. I am shocked they aren’t hosting it. Where is Peter Thiel when you need him?

Reddit argument: They would for hulk Hogan but not for the fappening victims, so it’s hypocrisy

Rational person argument: I have seen a pair of breasts/penis before, and don’t really get excited by celebrity nudes

It’s weird how these same types of people consistently joke when there’s stories about severe child abuse, murders, wars, etc., but apparently joking about a lady getting her nude photos copied is too far. What a bunch of sanctimonious hypocrites.


Gizmodo, is soon going to be Gawkmodo. All the non tech stuff is going to end up here, and be a watered down Gawker.

Well, she’s older than 4, so ... yes?

I see all the unfunny assholes from Gawker have congregated here on Gizmodo. What a shame.

You do know Gawker was just closed because of doing just that? And yet here you are with your clicks...

Don’t get too salty over this kids. I know most of you can’t handle jokes, just move on and continue to fap to those leaked Jennifer Lawrence pics.

Fortunately, Gawker is no longer around to post/broadcast them.

Just like the remake, these are nudes that nobody wanted.


This is one leaked nude I’m going to have to pass on.....