
That was where the plot was heading at the end of the mid-season break. The season should've reopened with the different communities organizing and continued with ongoing battles throughout the season culminating with a compelling showdown between Negan and Rick as the finale. But alas, no. Just more drawn out aimless

Thanks for the headline AV, looks like I'll be skipping this one. Last week's entire lumbering episode should've been done in the first 10 minutes of it (which could've jumpstarted the painfully dragging plot) so I was kind of hoping something would happen in this one. Seeing that pic of Rosita above screams skip to

The usual pattern is to have nothing happen for the entire season and then throw a mildly interesting cliffhanger at you for the finale to sucker you into watching next season.

Hulu tho?

Ending a bit of a cliffhanger? I predict the next episode will be a Denise-only flashback episode to her experience in elementary school.

At all.

Is there any reason to watch this episode, like does anything vital happen that moves the series' plot along? I'm about 17 minutes in and thinking I should go read or something.

In other words, his days are numbered.

Agreed, plus a bit of "what are the writers thinking? the audience is gonna be pissed…"

That was his best look.

Most likely, just V-8 juice.

Grow out that mustache to a curly Q and he could've been a Brooklyn hipster…

Sure, the (non)finale was a(nother) clumsy fail but let's not overlook TWD's biggest shortcoming - dialogue. Those painful conversations these characters have make my eyes roll so much I think I now need ocular surgery.

I was kind of disappointed by the look of Negan too, I was expecting them to at least bulk up Jeffrey Dean Morgan a bit, at least in the shoulders, to make him look a little closer to the comic character and more menacing.

I bet it's an episode-long flashback of Denise and Dennis growing up together.

I just found this footage of TWD's head writer…

Horrible ending, but that's to be expected from this series. When Glenn saw Maggie and said "Maggie?!" I really thought he was going to follow it up with "What did you do to your hair??!"

Scorsese-esque, actually…

I thought she was one of the writer's relatives and that's why she was on the show, but apparently imdb shows she's actually been in quite a few things….either way, so long ol' what's-her-face.

I can't have been the only one to go "YES!" when that arrow came thru Denise's head.