Gift of the vagi

As bad as this video is, I am fairly, I don’t know, encouraged(?), by the fact that there is a security guard already there, that more show up, and that 49ers fans are pulling the two assaulters away from the fight in earnest. That the fighting portion of the video lasts less than 30 seconds.

Idiots be idioting here.

I believe that right before the play where Manning snapped the ball with 17 seconds on the play clock, instead of running it down the whole way (the play where the ref had to reset the clock three times), Collinsworth had just finished performing verbal fellatio on Coughlin. Basically, giving him full credit for the

They have two point conversions, so it was probably more like 23 touchdowns with converted 2 point conversion. One with a converted extra point. One with a failed conversion. That's 25 touchdowns and 197 points.