See, I'm too far fucking wordy to boil it down to "stalking is stalking". :) The quite large problem remains that people often tend to think stalking means X when it doesn't (same goes for many, many other things that have nothing to do with crime).
See, I'm too far fucking wordy to boil it down to "stalking is stalking". :) The quite large problem remains that people often tend to think stalking means X when it doesn't (same goes for many, many other things that have nothing to do with crime).
But it helps you avoid people who use "u" instead of "you" in 2014.
Stop using the word "stalking" in this context. Use "creeping" or whatever else, but not "stalking". (weeps, banging head on keyboard) Please look up relevant actual legal definition for "stalking" in your unnamed state. By and large, you will find that it involves behavior that puts the stalked party in fear of…
If there's one thing I love, it's cheese-covered gluten. And if there are two things I love, they're cheese-covered…
It really needs an Add To Dictionary feature. It autocorrects my signature text message laugh to 'Bwahahahahahahaha a' every single time that I type it now, regardless of how many 'bwahahaha's' I put in. WHY WON'T IT DO IT WITH FUCKING. And while we are at it, stop changing 'Hell' to 'He'll' and 'Yo' to 'to'.
My autocorrect had gotten so used to me mistyping "fucking" that 75% of the time it will correct the mistake to "fuckkng." However, on the occasion that I type it correctly, it corrects to "ducking"
I'm just upset because I seem to be "ducking" all the time.
I disagree. The guy in question is an asshole, yes, but there's nothing wrong with saying "I'm sorry, I can't deal with monogamy. If you'd like to try for an open relationship, that would be great. Otherwise, we should part ways now." It's the same as money, kids, religion, location, or any other dealbreaker—*ideally*…
An app that sets you up with people and suggests that maybe you're not as gay as you think you are? Hell, my grandma does that for free.
Oh man, there has never been a redder flag than that one question. I put in the comments to my answer: You could basically rephrase this question: "Are you a rapist?"