
There's a chance. We won't get nearly as good a deal as we had.

Hanging by breaking the neck from a drop is a fairly late development in the horrible and storied history of executing people - before the 18th - 19th century in most places the standard method was some version of suspension or short-drop which normally kills by strangulation.

and it comes from the common-folk of an entirely different country!

Sometimes, when one feels low, it's nice to be told other people have felt similarly.

"The universe is a cruel uncaring void. The key to being happy isn't a search for meaning; it's to keep yourself busy with unimportant nonsense and then someday you'll be dead."

The Hank Hippopopalous episode and the Chicken 4 Dayz episode got to me pretty hard.

That's something of a reductive way to put the argument,

I think the last time I heard about Slenderman was when those kids murdered their friend because of Slenderman a few years back.

Nah, lets go for a Rump Parliament with a Lord Protector

I suspect the next in line is a violent interregnum if he dies right now.

Poor Majorian

It's come to mean "person who I disagree with" rather than it's original definition.

It's absolutely terrified that the current Conservative government will turn around, cut it's funding even more and force it to sell all of its assets to their mates at far below value.
The previous Labour government kept it on a short leash after a BBC reporter put out a story which was very embarrassing to the

Savegame restrictions are independent of difficulty level so you can quite happily play the game on the fairly easy Rookie difficulty with only one constantly updated save file or you can play the really quite hard unless you're an XCOM Savant like Beaglerush Legendary difficulty with all the saving and loading you

I always regret a Calzone. This is mainly because I will only ever order them when I am drunk and I will only ever order one which has a stupid combination of things inside which will make me vomit.

The Vaults on the West Coast in Fallout 1 and 2 and New Vegas tend to be around the 10-20 range. Vault 8 - the Vault which Vault City in Fallout 2 is based around was a pretty standard worked as designed, no weird experiment Vault.