
Beating a game, no matter the length or platform is still great! And man, no matter how many hours I out into Threes, I can't get past 9,000 pts:(

Yeah I had trouble with B1 on 360 since I just had no urge since shit was going on in real life, but it gets way better!

Man that's wayyyy crazier than my low ass goal of 30 haha but I'm glad I did it. If only work and destiny didn't intervene!!

WHOA Didn't expect you to end up here! Hope the experience is great for you as it is for the whole staff !

I reached my goal of 30 games finished this year! Since I never finish games haha. I beat 2 puzzle RPG mobile games in my list too.

Hey, you saw that Mario movie "leak". Anything could happen!

Man what crawled up your ass...

Stupid question: Why are there 7 people listed there :| or is that just a whole clan picture? Or did someone switch in the middle of it

Makes sense to me! Wonder how this will play out

What? I'm ready to leave work just to get into this DLC. Im mad that non buyers don't get their weekly strikes but it doesn't affect me so no need for me to complain at Bungie

NVM >.>

There's probably some changes but like Kaizokuo said, the DLC probably came a few weeks prior in preps

Well the way I've seen it, the PS exclusive strikes were never part of the weeklies and if this strike is added to the carousel of strikes for weekly status, every 6 weeks, non DLCers will be screwed

Makes sense. Less stress on servers on launch day.

Well considering the story that came with the game wasn't really there and needed the companion app, I didn't expect anything better.

Yeah the beginning of the game is very meh and unless you enjoy shooting things and grinding, the 20+ part of the game is not for most people. I'm Suprised im so attached to it. I even wanted to skip work and just play all day :( Halp

I know :( It's the lure of the best weapons. Fucking grinding is a chore. But playing with friends that feel the same softened the blow haha.

Oh well then I guess they preloaded the DLC for everyone whether or not you had purchased the DLC than. Weird

As someone that has put in over 300 hours into one character and reluctantly purchased the Expansion, this is complete and utter bullshit. Not only was the update gfor the DLC less than 100Mb but they are trying to pull this bull? Makes me want to not play this and just stick with Halo McC... but since I still have

So good game but the Wii U features that make use of the gamepad aren't that great and when a game pulls a players eyes from the TV to the gamepad isn't a good idea :|