
Let's hope they use coding like the Knex and Lego blind bags. Would love to get a Garrus and Wrex to hang out with my little Waluigi Knex

Not a game that I want but expect: Borderlands the PreSequel

Blah added some lag to Yoshi :(

yay 10 bounties! expected this in 3 weeks but now that it's today, it gives me hope for Iron Banner 2.0!

Really disappointed that there were basically no deals on PS+ or XBL that dropped it below $50

Boggest regret in the pokemon series is restarting my ruby game after I had a complete pokedex :( took me 2-3 hours to get Milotic. DAMN BERRIES!!!

Even if they don't do that, CAN WE JUST GET ARENAS FOR BATTLE BACK D:

Since it was a prototype and transparency reminds me of glass which is also breakable so that was my train of thought lol

Yeah I think it supports Sheik, Zelda and toon Link

Time to retire my Zelda XL. Poor circle pad :( Too much smash

I have no proof, but I feel like the hinge on that would be even weaker than current models :(

Yeah I wish 2 games would have worked :( Let's hope for a manager app!

from the footage I've seen of MK8 amiibo support, all you need to do is go to the amiibo section on main menu, select, tap figure, and it unlocks the Mii costume. there's no data being saved in mk8 to the amiibo itself. same with Hyrule warriors: reads a link figurine to unlock item for good. like DLC

yeah that's what I was thinking too. but I'm hoping we are wrong >.>

From what Cheesemeister on Twitter translated from this page:

these all look to be actual quality looking. you can see all the plastic and decent quality paints. hopefully they turn out to be at least this decent looking

Yeah not sure if what I typed flowed well lol. but with Nintendo touting multiple titles supporting amiibo, I expected them to hold a bit more storage than a standard skylander. lets see what the next game that uses the read/write function will be to see how meh this news will be

While I'm excited about these, I can't help but feel saddened by the fact that games that use the NFC for saved data override other games' saved data on the amiibo :( let's hope the games let us back up the amiibo data before we override it with a different game. maybe an amiibo app to manage data( yeah that was kind