
While the games will never have a fine start :(

Totally forgot it's a Ubi title. Yes. Do that. You can wait another month! Just play Smash, Unity, and DAI

Yeah I'm hoping best buy ad leaks soon so I know where to move my credit :/

Rogue will be $35 at target on Black Friday if anyone here wants this game and is going to go Black Friday shopping.

I guess I liked it for another reason haha. Still my favorite though :P

So Mako was confirmed for ME4 a while back wasn't it? If so, that's all I need!

And for $0.99 you can upgrade the character to #2112a with 8 shades for arm armor!

Melee. If I need to clarify what game this is, you wouldn't understand :

Trying to appeal to the west more than making games that are fun:(

Mmmm power stone. people clamor for Shenmue 3 but I'd prefer Power Stone 3 :(

I'm going to bet that it's cake batter ice cream dyed green. Which has blue in it kind of. DAMNIT

Actually sounds pretty good. And it doesn't have red and blue dyes! This warrants a try on cheap scoop days!

Me too. Doubt anything else from that universe will ever be made after how abysmally it sold.

Any news on Splatoon, Mario Maker, Yoshi's Woolly World and A SINGLE 3DS game would be wonderful. WONDERFUL?! WONDERFUL 101 for 3DS!

6 hours isn't bad. Unless the game doesn't start till after that.

Wonder if those Mario gamecube controllers eoulf ever be sold :(

Pro conteoller is awesome! And if you've played with the classic controller before or played the 3DS one, it translates well, except for trying smashes on the second analog stick lol

Serious?! Another strike that I cannot partake in? EVEN AS DLC. So basically this update just gives me a chance to NOT get more legendary and exotic RNG drops and play 3 new story missions :|

I was hoping for at least a lamr poster or something. Judging by how user friendly XY were, I don't see it changing for ORAS so these potions seem... unnecessary:/

And it seems like they are more open to different ideas