
A lot of malls were only built as tax shelters with no real vision or planning and only survived due to a retail bubble in the late 80s and 90s. When that collapsed all the shitty malls went with it and Simon and Westfield scooped up all the profitable malls and the rest we blew up.

The Cure Insurance Company once again assure you that if you don’t have cure insurance it will murder you and your extended family in their sleep.

Hey it took a long time to replace all those old republic pants. Yoda just kept sending emissaries to the secret pants producing planet and they just kept sending crates of the things.


Ohhhh now i get it.

From the trailer it looks like there is something done on top of a still image? Kinda like myst the move.

In closing, Clint Eastwood is a Land of Contrasts.

Half of the charm of going to an onsen is lookign through the giant pile of unsorted and unmatched slippers for ones that aren’t wet or the wrong size!

Finally. They really should go back to the Cleveland Spiders though. Or really get some synergy with the browns and make a mascot to match the elf logo.

Oscar Nominated Boss Baby.

Sounds pretty sweet to me.

Warning: May contain Community Notifications

Jersey is the worst for this with their weird roads and Dunks with tiny driveways so people will back up intersections waiting for dunks drive through.

It’s that weird crusty outside that makes it superior to Philly Pretzel Factory pretzels that are more than 5 minutes old.

When we told you to get a job internet this isn’t what we meant!

Oh no now I’m going to have to chose between the slenderman movie and deadpool

Its just fast acting deja-vu. Like instant coffee is faster than normal coffee.

The AV Club exists in a state of flux, wherein all movies are simultaneously too high rated and too low rated.

Man I can’t wait to see what Clint Howard is doing! My only expectation for this movie is for the freshest in Clint Howard Action!

Oh man, Fiction Hangover is a phrase I have needed in my life. Too bad I’d mostly use it for animes: the Malt Liquors of the fiction world.