
Jujubee wouldn’t have been angry.

I am in the same boat. I hate movies that use an animal’s death or animal cruelty for cheap shock value.

I’m just wondering if there are any quality novels or plays written by gay/bi men about their own sexual and romantic relationships with other gay/bi men—specifically before and during the AIDS crisis—that could perhaps be adapted instead.

Yes, that’s from A Street Cat Named Bob!

I understand what you’re saying.

I don’t know Cher’s entire discography and that’s certainly not necessary to one’s understanding of LGBT history. I think knowing who she is with the same level of general knowledge as we’re expected to know about major figures in our country of origin’s history would be essential

Bob helped someone get clean and sober.

I was dreading another acting challenge when we just had one last week, but this was...100% 50/50!

The It’s Britney, Bitch Netwerk was comedy gold. Miss Vanjie absolutely killed it (again). They should hire these queens to write all future acting challenges.

The When You Believe network...



I don’t know that that’s such a good thing.


I grew up in a sheltered, ultra-conservative christian home where I wasn’t allowed to listen to rock and/or roll or see any kind of movie that wasn’t “church-approved” (I didn’t see E.T. until I was 19 FFS!).


I had the biggest “duh” moment when my husband said, “Oh no. They can’t use the internet to do research.”

Now playing

But a J-Lo LSFYL after they failed a challenge about Mariah was...

“Cookie Monster and the crumbs are all over the floor.”

Someone yelling out “safety first!” took that into the stratosphere of hilarity for me. Tears from laughing.

I did the best that I could babe
I did the best that I could babe
I did the best tthat I could babe
I did the best THat I c uld babe
Ididthebest thatIcould babe
I did the best that I couldbabe
Idid thebest thatI couldbabe
I did the best that I could beba
I did the beast that I could babe
I didthebest that I could babe

Now playing

Hatchie’s new single “Without A Blush”