
Everyone acting like Netflix is the savior of independent cinema needs to check who actually finances the films that end up distributed by Netflix. While Netflix does finance a lot of television content and did pick up the tab for The Irishman when it went way overbudget, Netflix did not finance Roma or Mudbound or 13t

FINALLY! Back to regular Drag Race!

I’m hoping Soju will be brought back later in the season. She was one of my favorites, personality-wise.

I have two friends who are excited about this at the level I am, but they, like me, are Classic Gay™ which seems to be a rare breed these days.

TFW you can see the effects of the Netflix algorithm on development.

I am so excited for this! Along one else...?

Could we maybe not frame things in such a hateful way?

If they were to remake Sleeping With The Enemy, I would hope they would go for a more serious, less popcorn thriller take on the subject and jettison the cartoonish, seemingly omniscient villain in the latter half of the film for a more realistic approach. That probably goes against why a studio would want to remake Sl

I did say this. Because a Freddie Mercury bio is probably a one-shot thing that won’t ever be corrected, and the straightwashing of Freddie Mercury’s life is offensive beyond belief. That this movie is now immortalized in the history books and that future generations—including LGBT people—will believe this is an

Well...Crash has. For all the wrong reasons.

I think you might have confused this with the other 2018 movie with Rachel Weisz that featured bi/lesbian women having sex. Because in Disobedience, the sex is loving and passionate and isn’t merely a means to an end to gain power and isn’t just lip service to the existence of bi/lesbian women in unexpected places for

For me, this has been one of the most disappointing slate of nominees in Oscar history. Usually at least one of the nominees is in my Top 5 films of the year. This year, only one movie from my Top 20 was nominated for Best Picture (A Star Is Born). This year also has the unfortunate distinction of featuring some of

I would rather Shoplifters had received the attention Roma has received, including a Best Picture and Best Actress nomination for Sakura Ando. And I’d add in a Best Supporting Actor nomination for Jyo Kairi as Shota.

I am still haunted by the last half hour of that movie.

Pun threads are a trap, and I always take the bait.

I think All Stars needs a rest, too.

I’d love to see Jujubee get another shot! She was my pick to win Season 2.

Well, shit.

What movie fan is going to the movies on Oscar night, anyway? I mean, seriously.

When you’re down in the dumps
Just put on Judy’s red pumps