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Same. I missed the film in theatrical release (I’ve lost both my horror movie buddies and my husband does not like horror movies), but I just listened to “Unmade” and, holy shit, that’s good!

+1 for such a specific—and correct!—Jedi reference.

Sad to hear we won’t be getting that Steve McQueen musical next.

I feel like I’ve written this before...

Paraphrasing a friend’s review: It was good to see Sandra Bullock make it through a movie without falling down for comedic effect. Well...almost.


I agree. This was a meh year for movies. When the end-of-year blitz fizzled, it dashed my expectations for something to save a lackluster year.

Well, the Fashion Police think otherwise!

That second group. What a hot mess. No winners there, really.

I just wanna say that this airing during Christmas was NOT working for me.

Gia reminds me a lot of Phi Phi: someone who thinks they’re funny when they’re really just mean.

I served with Bea Arthur. I knew Bea Arthur. Bea Arthur was a friend of mine. Gia Gunn, you’re no Bea Arthur.”

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Valentina and Monet could have both done wonders with this...

I’m not a stan, but Kacey Musgraves made the album Kylie’s Golden should have been (although I’ll go to bat for “Lost Without You,” “One Last Kiss,” “Music’s Too Sad Without You,” and “Radio On”—the only real “Kylie moment” on the album for me—it’s overall a disappointment, and horribly mastered to boot. WTF is up

I like this, especially the callback to “Doc” and seeing/hearing about the ripple effects of destroying Rittenhouse from its inception.

That’s what I thought too! Mathematician daughter. Would have to go back and rewatch those final moments to be sure.

I remember the back half of the second season of Dollhouse doing something similar. They knew there wasn’t going to be a Season 3, so they tried to finish off the series with the big reveals they had planned along the way.

In Chicago, and no Destroyer (or Cold War) here either.

My reaction at the end of Split was, “I never asked for the M. Night Shyamalan cinematic universe.”