
After that second shot, he sounds like Lou Dobbs trying to pronounce the name of a Mexican city.

I, too, will always remember his many appearances on Johnny Caron’s Tonight Show.

I didn’t really care for Ex Machina, because I thought it was a bit obvious. The text wasn’t all that surprising, and the subtext wasn’t all that deep. Asking “What makes us human?” in the context of a story about artificial intelligence is no longer a novel or profound concept.


It was just wishful thinking on my part to have seen The Other Side Of The Wind in a theater. If Netflix fought tooth and nail against releasing Roma in theaters, there’s no way they’d have approved a release for some old Orson Welles’ movie for anything other than four-walling.

It has a great opening scene. But after that, the only real big laugh for me was the scene with Jason Bateman and the dog in the computer room. It wasn’t as bad as Tag, though. Oof.

I look forward to posting my list of the Best Films of 2018 when I’ve had a chance to see some of the most critically acclaimed films of 2018 that won’t see a theatrical release outside of New York or L.A. until...[checks notes]...February or March of 2019—by which point the conversation about the Best Films of 2018

I live in Chicago and while Roma is playing in a theater here (which we did go see and...meh; my biggest issues with it are best summed up in Richard Brody’s piece in The New Yorker), some of these either haven’t opened here or they played/are playing in one of the worst theaters for me personally, The Music Box (bad

I am gagging at your username and icon!

The best numbers from All That Jazz are dance numbers with no one really singing (the “On Broadway”opening, “Everything Old Is New Again”) and the “Air-rotica” number, as stunningly choreographed and filmed as it is, is not set to a good song.

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I’d like to mention two of the most promising indie EPs I heard this year. If you’re a fan of classic shoegaze, these will be a real treat for you.

Let’s Eat Grandma was on the Pop and R&B list. It could go either way, really.

[Silly me, I posted this in the comments for the Pop & R&B list. Didn’t know for sure what the categories were going to be, but this album seems much more appropriate here. Can’t delete my comment there or flag it for “incorrect category.”]

TFW you realize you’re beta testing shoes.

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Farrah is, unfortunately, just not confident in her reveals.

2018 needs to just stop already. I have lost faith in just about everything. I am broken. What more do you want from me?!?

Julie Andrews when she got the call to be in this: