
Having no host for the Oscar ceremony is not without precedent.

Sweet baby Jesus.

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I think they were trying for this, but Michelle’s upper body wasn’t as lively or animated as Bea’s or Betty’s.

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Confidence Man - Confident Music for Confident People

1) Saint Etienne - Good Humor 20th Anniversary Tour at Park West

Dukakis victorious!

it’s medicare that has all the fraud

Nothing but respect for MY Trumpy.

If you loved Solo: An Over-Explaining Star Wars Story, you’ll love Off-Brand Solo: An Even Longer Over-Explaining Star Wars Story.

Passing Strange. Even though Spike Lee filmed a stage performance, I’d love to see this one opened up and shot on location. Although the script would be a challenge because of the narrator’s importance to the narrative, I’m sure he’d figure out a way to make it work.

I can’t believe Phoenix didn’t make that list.

When I was 10, I used to complain about how black and white movies were “boring.” One night, my mom told me there was this movie she wanted me to watch. It was black and white, but if I was bored after 30 minutes I could stop watching. The film was Orson Welles’ The Stranger, and I was most definitely not bored after

Anything that gets people watching great movies is a good thing. I mostly view lists like this as a good conversation starter.


Technically, yes. But so is Scenes From A Marriage and the original conception of Fanny & Alexander (which both made this list).

Good to see Raise The Red Lantern on the list. (Criterion soon?) I can’t argue much with the Top Ten, although I’m not a fan of Bicycle Thieves and I’d place Ikiru above Rashomon and Seven Samurai. But that’s just my personal preference.

To me, it just feels like a natural stopping point.

In a fictional TV show, Roseanne dies of an opioid overdose.