
If there’s a second season (and I hope there is), they could campaign for nominations next June while the second season is airing.

I have two friends who both contracted the disease in 1981-1982. They watched as ALL of their friends and lovers died. They sat for a decade plus wondering when it would be their turn to go.

Blanca froze the moment she saw that woman. Felt to me more like Blanca saw her as her possible future and it terrified her. But Pray Tell was there to offer support and help her get through the rest of the song. That coupled with Costas’ dying wish for Pray Tell steeled both of their resolves to live their lives to

1) Elektra’s drive-by shade was a-mah-zing. “I didn’t know they made trophies in travel size.”

I was NOT READY for this episode. Jesus. This show is not fucking around.

If Finn identifies sexually as a jar of pickles, I have only this to say...

Now playing

Keri Russell on the press tour when confronted by butt-hurt fanboys: “Show them your face!”

If it had been a major studio film, it probably never would have been green lit. If it had been green lit, it probably would have been cast with cis actors.

Scarlett Johansson’s big breaks were in indie film Manny & Lo and Robert Redford’s film adaptation of The Horse Whisperer. The latter was an emotionally-charged performance that set her apart from other teen actors at the time. Giving a great performance on screen with Robert Redford was, no doubt, an important

There’s a special feature on the Showgirls box set DVD that includes some behind-the-scenes footage. In it, Elizabeth Berkeley is shown taking direction from Paul Verhoeven for the scene where Nomi realizes she’s been ripped off by the guy she hitched a ride into Las Vegas with.

They should have every actor (except Ewan McGregor and Ian McDiarmid)  come in and re-dub their dialogue for the entire Prequel Trilogy. They’d have to alter some of the dialogue too, but rewrite the worst scenes and CGI those lips.

I came here for this. I was not disappointed.

How it ends and what questions it may or may not answer doesn’t really matter. All that matters is that they were on this journey together. /s

It is an incredibly entertaining show and one of the most compulsively watchable when binging because of all the cliffhangers. But I’d suggest stopping at the end of Season 5. There are assumptions one can make at the end of Season 5 that are far better than anything that is in Season 6.

“Marla, Rip Taylor, EVERYONE!

I was wondering if she was going to be a Jennie Livingston-type character! That would be so much more interesting than a cliched adultery story line.