

I’ve seen people do this after defecating. (I’m wretching just thinking about it.)

This episode should have been called The Bawl Ball. JESUS.

I try to go into most movies as blindly as possible. Since trailers started giving away major plot points (What Lies Beneath being one of the first/worst offenders), I just go by general word of mouth and good reviews.

I don’t know if I can handle this right now.


Well, that was just so incredibly sad. I wanted Asia to win so badly. JFC that was heartbreaking to watch.

But enough about Rogers Park. HIYOOOOOOOOOOO!

I’m still wondering why no one’s asking Jaymes Mansfield: “How’s your head?”

Now playing

The shudders this will incite in anyone who’s seen it:

If this is late-stage capitalism, when does it officially die?

GayHop won’t have the same ring to it.

They could have done a better job. Trying to mash up a campy Dead Ringer challenge with an in-depth exploration of self-sabotage, self-esteem, and self-doubt would have worked better with the Season 5 Top 5.

Perhaps they could have more effectively talked about the reasons why some people struggle with self-sabotage and others don’t. Some people handle it better (Eureka), some people have worked through it (Asia), some are imprisoned by it (Miz Cracker and to a certain extent Kameron), and some are completely unaware

If Todrick Hall is the price I have to pay to see Crystal Waters, Kimberley Locke, Ultra Nate, AND Martha Wash on the same day, I will make my peace with that by being closer to the Belmont end of things between 2:30 and 3:30 on Saturday.

You mean....

I’m speaking specifically about effeminate men here.