
"Kimora (who adds nothing)"

My husband asked if Ru was going to solicit viewer submissions for a green-screen challenge.

Or just show Untucked and lose Wendy Williams and…that other lady.

Phi Phi's "web redemption just wasn't able to translate through the lens of the challenges and competition." That's putting it nicely.

90 minute episodes with Untucked afterward.

I thought it was strained, at best, in Season 8.

It's a shame we'll never get to see RuPaul ask Jaymes Mansfield how her head is.

Sweet kitty girl purrs:
I came away with a different, more poignant reading of Valentina's moment with her Our Lady Of Guadalupe candle (I didn't catch the background music). If I heard her correctly, she said she never had a drag mother, and that Our Lady Of Guadalupe is her drag mother. That's both sad that she

The ME3 Citadel DLC is worth every penny. It may be a lot of fan service and in-jokes (I think the payoff for the conversations with Traynor was my favorite), but I laughed way more than I expected to and found it to be one of the most entertaining and touching parts of the entire game series.

"It's flashing 'envelope'…"

AKA the list of artists and bands we may or may not be able to see within a 300-mile radius of Chicago for 3-9 months surrounding the festival dates. Thank you, ridiculous radius clause.

I almost fell for it. I have a mild form of impulse control driven by my loathing for the returns process. I was looking for the PC version of the game, but found that this only came in a "hardcover version."

But they did do something new: They Autotuned the fuck out of it!

It's just the Collector's Edition of the guide. There's no game included.

Only one thing left to do. Donald Trump's in the White House destroying America piece by piece. The Fate Of The Furious and a shitty-looking, auto-tuned, live-action version of Beauty And The Beast are going to be huge. And I'm going to jump.

I misread the last name in the cast as "Paula Dean" and thought this was going the be the most insane, awesome, wacko, but truly great monster movie ever made.

Apparently Tallulah did qualify for the Academy Awards. So it must have played in at least one theater in Los Angeles for a qualifying run.

NEWS: Good news! It's not in the hands of Harvey Weinstein!

I think she was hoping to hand the award to Denzel Washington like she did at the SAG Awards. (She seemed to be chuckling to herself after reading Denzel's name that night.)