
Or Curve.

One could say it's a…situation no win.

Hey, it is what it is.

Just keep in mind, "post-racial" was the big word after Obama's election in 2008, and we all know how that turned out.

So…in order to block ads to specific fake news sites, they would have to know what the fake news sites are which means they probably have a list. So, why are we even having this conversation? Block the fake news sites from being shared on your platform (Facebook/Google+) or automatically lower their ranking or ability

Sunday afternoon, my husband and I went to see a double feature of Loving and Arrival. We had already planned this before Tuesday. We had hoped to see Loving the weekend before on the 6th for our anniversary celebration, but it didn't open here in time.

Trixie Mattel and Katya's YouTube show UNHhhh (aka "1-800-We Could Help You But We Won't").

Hopefully, we'll be watching clips of him playing in election night victory balloons by Wednesday morning, and we can watch those on a loop for about a month.

Brooklyn did the boy-meets-girl thing exceptionally well with heartfelt honesty last year, so…yes.

Between the exuberance of this trailer, the bittersweet romantic tone of the 2nd trailer, and someone describing this as the love child of Singin' In The Rain and The Umbrellas Of Cherbourg, I cannot wait for this to open!

Mildred Loving's statement of support for same-sex marriage was truly moving.

Cash bar. Sad!

I really appreciate that. Unfortunately, my husband has all night classes, so weeknights are out for us during the semester. Our anniversary is actually Monday, but we're doing our celebration on Sunday.

There's a bit of context missing from that 20% to 38% comparison/false equivalency.

Going to see The Handmaiden Tuesday. Didn't think it would be an appropriate anniversary movie.

Was really looking forward to seeing Loving this weekend for me and my husband's first wedding anniversary, but, alas, the film is not—as almost every movie release date website, review site, and review aggregate site says—opening on November 4th anywhere but 2 theaters in New York and 2 theaters in L.A.

Doesn't anyone understand? We're the monsters who have kept this show going! We're the monsters!

I started to wonder how long this show can go on repeating the same plot
over and over and over again, but then I thought about the incredible
number of mindless horror/slasher films and sequels that have been made
and remade over the years and I realized that this could go on
indefinitely. Keep a core hero or group

Kirkman is to comics as Ryan Murphy is to television. Great premises, interesting characters, no long-term plan.

I'm being completely serious here: I thought it was an internet hug. That's the only way I've seen it used since AOL [i.e. "(((HUGS)))"]. Oh, and, also, I'm not a disgusting piece of anti-Semitic shit.