
Having seen her many times, Kennedy is a very entertaining performer.

Reunion show is next week, and it'll be similar to the early seasons' reunion shows.

Upvoted for What's Up Doc? reference.

She left out…

If she had as much power in the Senate as Trump and his supporters keep suggesting, why would she lower herself to run for President?

I miss the good ol' days of the early 00s when the biggest news out of Russia was faux-lesbian pop written and produced by Trevor Horn.

Considering Donald Trump's Debate Chair, I think furniture shopping as foreplay is more appropriate than we could have possibly imagined.

No, Target.

Watching Insecure Sunday night after the debate, Issa Rae performed my new unofficial Trump campaign theme song:

I blame poor medication regimen adherence.


They like being demeaned.

I think the game metaphor for Trump's campaign is more like "Duck Duck Goose."

I'm surprised none of the anchors or pundits said, "Grab her by the…area."

My personal favorite: Ouchy The Clown Dom

That's what I was thinking!

Have you seen the anime-style TIE Fighter short?

Snoke's weapon of choice will be a modified and very lethal wrist-mounted energy slingshot…

Who wouldn't want to fuck Pearl?