
If she needs to be on a reality show competition for her sobriety/state of mind, that's an incredibly tenuous grasp on sobriety and I would be worried for her.

IIRC Katya was just starting recovery when she confessed it to Miss Fame in Season 7. It sounds like Alaska has actually been in recovery longer.

I think Alaska was, in the immortal words of another temper tantrum-throwing queen, feeling very attacked right then.


Rolaskatoxicunt. That's how.

Snake 1. Snake 2.


I was going to be okay with a Katya/Alaska top two and not be terribly upset if Alaska won over Katya. But Alaska's romper room fuckery was bullshit.

Katya is also a recovering addict and she doesn't throw temper tantrums like that. Just sayin'.

Because only "uptight moms" would think the kidnap and torture of women is tasteless, or, you know, relevant to a video critique series that started out devoid of any overt horror or exploitation references until the Attack Of The Clones reviews when suddenly we're seeing grainy home video of a bound, unconscious

So…"hair-trigger misogynist" is somehow "intrinsically tied to housebound Star Wars-obsessive[s]"…?

Vote, baby, vote
Are you registered, baby?

Dixie Blue, which could also work as the name of a very risque gay country band.

Thorgy's performance at the (only?) Season 8 cast show at Roscoe's a couple of months back mostly relayed just how bitter she was that Bob won and she didn't. She basically added obnoxious splattery fart noises to Bob's "Purse First" track and held out a purse for tips. It was the low point of the evening, and the

Phi Phi doesn't have that all-important factor in being a bitchy, catty drag queen: You have to be funny.

This is becoming quite embarrassing—for you.

My point in presenting my Songs Of The Summer 2016 playlist (thanks for giving it a listen!) is that I'm not out of touch with music that's being recorded and released by people under 30 (mostly—The Stone Roses are definitely over 30) using current popular music styles in 2016. Almost all (except INHEAVEN and The