

Postmodernist, meta-commentary on the relentless repetitive nature of summer blockbusters…? Oh, wait. That's in there too.

But you can judge a lot of things by the bottom half. AMIRIGHT?

Then I guess it's a good thing that Argo won Best Picture that year.

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You forgot to mention that even in the diverse casts of Scandal and How To Get Away With Murder, the two main gay characters, Cyrus and Connor, are both white—and sociopaths! (Oliver on HTGAWM is Asian, but he's more of a recurring guest star and not a series regular.) So, even Shondaland doesn't have varied

I highly recommend Southland. I think it's one of the best police shows ever. At times, it's very Altman-esque in its refusal to follow narrative convention. The complex gay character who isn't always likeable or heroic is just an added bonus to an already great series.

I remember it also being the Year Of Doris.

Just make sure it's got some Katy Perry songs on the soundtrack, some "hot" (i.e. emaciated) guys, and some Scandal-level plot twists, and the gays will love it!

Maybe not. Not every show is going to be everyone's favorite. This was one of mine, though.

Don't you mean "DRAAAAAAAAAAAAMA!!!!"?

But…the show is called Looking. It's about people looking for their purpose and place in life, largely because their orientation has led to delayed life experiences that have significantly hampered their ability to find their place in life at the same age as their peers.

Let's see…

Lauren Weedman deserves at least an Emmy nomination for Best Supporting Actress in a …I don't know what… for this past season. Stellar performance and some great acting choices.

They mixed up the names of the shows. It was supposed to be Togetherness starring Mrs. David Benioff.

Someone yelled "twincest" at Patrick and Kevin late in Season 2, so maybe that was a Hail Mary pass to save the show.

"I am not sure if I would have tuned in anyway!"

People do occasionally go on benders and never have to go into rehab. Taking drugs or drinking to excess are not always the start of a problem.

Also, HBO is a major network. I don't think I'm mistaken on that.