
Ever since the EU Purge, I've been steadily buying up one copy of each of the Expanded Universe novels from used bookstores around the area. I don't want anything with that stupid "Legends" banner on them. At this point, I'm just missing a copy of Kenobi without the "Legends" banner on it.

I have to bite my tongue too. But I'm okay with that.

Filoni and Lucas have always said that Ahsoka is an important character, and her place as founder of the Rebellion would certainly fit that bill.

"Gathering Forces" is hands down the best episode so far. The fact that "Empire Day" was the best until "Gathering Forces" bodes well for the rest of the series. Things are FINALLY falling into place, and it's connecting on an emotional level. I'm finding myself eagerly anticipating each week's episode now.

You can go to and watch the next week's episode almost immediately after the Monday broadcast if you have a verifiable cable account. Yay!

I LOVED this episode. I also love the next episode. Stakes are raised, characters start getting some real development, and the fights are starting to be more personal.

Especially considering both Agent Kallus and The Inquisitor know details about Zeb and Kanan.

This article with its accompanying screenshots and the pitch-shifting on Fulcrum's voice leads me to believe Fulcrum is Ahsoka.

She did. You'll at least see some of it in the next episode.

I wondered too if Ezra's father was a clone trooper, but that's mostly because I have Dee Bradley Baker's voice permanently associated with clones. Maybe Ezra's father is a clone deserter similar to Cut or a clone who lost his way like Gregor. Captain Rex would be an awesome reveal, though I think they'd have to do

First game definitely was in canon. Lucas was personally involved in its creation, much like Shadows Of The Empire. I don't know why they threw that story out the window. It was a good story. Hopefully Galen Marek will make an appearance in Rebels.

No, the Chiss have not appeared in anything that is now considered canon.

AKA Rebels passes The Bechdel Test.

She's got to be Bo-Katan's daughter or something, right?!

Maybe it will be revealed that Chopper is actually the counterpart of HK-47.

Filoni keeps hinting about Ahsoka. Maybe it's just because people keep asking about her, but I can't help but think that he and Lucas' development of the character would ultimately lead to her having something to do with the formation of the Rebel Alliance and that she would ultimately play a much larger role in Rebels


It started out interesting and then became decidedly less interesting past the first commercial break. By the time Ezra's Slingshot made its obligatory appearance, I was done.

I think the main objection to the Ewoks is more "what might have been" than what was, because the Ewoks were originally supposed to be Wookiees. It's the first instance where cute, cuddly toys won out over a more interesting story.

It's made a teensy bit clearer in the next episode. My Little Mando and Hera go on an adventure together in the episode "Passing The Bechdel Test" [without any of the intrigue, character development, or plot twists of The Clone Wars' episodes featuring the joint adventures of Ahsoka and Barriss Offee or Ahsoka and