
The Kaiburr/Kyber crystal's effect on that ship…is what it might do to a planet if properly focused and fired by a large space station that is not a moon. But I don't think the Rebels have put all of that together yet.

When we heard Obi-Wan say, "That boy was our last hope" in The Empire Strikes Back followed by Yoda's singular "No, there is another," it wasn't at all suggested that there were any other Jedi other than Luke and one other mystery person. Yoda didn't say, "No, there is another. Oh, and then there's, like, this boy

Mara Jade doesn't have to go and neither does Thrawn.

What is disappointing about throwing out the entire Expanded Universe is that there are stories that were told well that they should have kept (yeah, they may use them in the future, but from what's been rumored so far—which could be total misdirection, but still—they're not using any of that; I mean, c'mon, Luke

The Inquisitor and Asajj Ventress could be the Sith version of the Ropers—nosy and deadly!

The first season of The Clone Wars is really not that bad. If you watch it in chronological order with a few tweaks, it's actually solid. Long story short, if you skip the Jar Jar episodes, it's good—although not as great as it gets in later seasons.

Kanan and Ezra have to be dead. If they started the Rebel Alliance, why wouldn't two Jedi be leading it instead of entrusting it to a member of the Imperial Senate, a moisture farmer, and a smuggler-for-hire? And why would we never have heard of them before? Two Jedi being alive by the time of A New Hope would also

Kanan is the Luke-Wilson-character-in-Idiocracy of Rebels.

Lothal…oy. What was wrong with Dantooine? It was remote, and it was the site of an abandoned Rebel base by the time of A New Hope, so wouldn't it make more sense to have the Rebel Alliance start there? It could also have given a good, solid connection to the Original Trilogy by filling in the background of A New Hope.

*in Zeb voice while wiggling fingers* "Use the Force…"

That Ezra thought it would actually have an impact on a big scary evil dude brandishing a spinning lightsaber was laughable.

Well, Ezra and Kanan can't possibly be around by the time of A New Hope (because why wouldn't two Jedi be leading the Rebel Alliance?), so maybe they die in some stupid Darwin Awards-level accident that's even less sensible than training on the outside of a ship in the upper atmosphere of a planet with no safety

To me, this episode feels more like "Spark Of Rebellion," but it has the same huge underlying fault that's plaguing the series: It keeps presenting things that are "Star Wars" but without any real emotion, originality, or at the very least interesting characters. (There's got to be a more interesting Force-sensitive

That god damned slingshot is officially The Worst™.

It's explored in the novel A New Dawn which is set before Rebels and was the first part of the New Continuity. About 100 pages in so far and it's not exactly leaping out of the page at me. The characters that are in both the book and the series are just as bland in the book as they are on the show. This is all just

I'm sorry, I hear "Zeb" and I think Zeb Atlas.

Except they only have 16 episodes and this just wasted one of those with useless filler.

If they aren't even going to be able to provide stunning and varied visuals, then they really need to up their storytelling game.

I've noticed the voices for the stormtroopers in Rebels are mostly different from one another.

It's slightly less skippable than Caravan Of Courage: An Ewok Adventure and slightly more skippable than Droids on a "Holiday Special" to Empire Strikes Back scale.