
"Landing At Point Rain." DAMN that was a good episode.

My Little Mando!

So far, I'm more upset that Sabine's considered a Mandalorian than I am with the whole pacifist retcon of Mandalore (which ultimately turned out well) in The Clone Wars. At least in that series I wondered how the Mandalorians became pacifists and what happened to change their ways by the time of Boba Fett, Goran

This is just…not working.


When Noah's interpretation of Alison and Cole's car top scene started, I have to admit that I yelled out, "Pacey, NO!"

Hawkeye would be a good guest star if they could get him to do a multi-episode arc. He hasn't really done all that much in the movies, and this would be a good opportunity to develop his character in a way that wouldn't take time away from the main Avengers in the films. And, let's face it, he won't be getting a solo

I liked (most) everything about Top Of The Lake except for the resolution of the mystery. I recall thinking it seemed pretty obvious who it was. Exactly what the culprits were doing was incredibly disturbing, but I felt like the writers could have muddied the waters of who exactly might be responsible a little more to

I had my concerns that Rebels would continue to have the same problems Gotham has by constantly making references to the central story most people care about without bothering to create an interesting world or characters we can care about. It made me cringe when Artoo and Threepio showed up on the transport. I was

Nope, he was not in The Phantom Menace.

This. So much this. How many hundreds of movies were made with practical effects throughout the 70s and 80s that were complete shit? It's all about the script and the direction. If you don't have those, almost nothing else matters. You can have some of the greatest actors alive in your movie and if they don't have

Victoria has had some amazing walks through nature these past two episodes! First, her stroll through the rain in the season premiere and now this romp through the forest. I hope we'll see Victoria in a new natural setting—especially if they somehow manage to preposterously make it happen indoors—every week.

I'm hoping for regular episode-by-episode coverage of Rebels. If you can cover the god awful abomination that continues to be Gotham, you can make room for Rebels. Amiright?!

This is pretty much the feeling I had watching Rebels.

Almost none of the Jar Jar episodes of Star Wars: The Clone Wars are essential viewing. I'd suggest watching in chronological order if you can. It's kind of a pain, but it works out better story-wise. This is the official list, but I'd offer some alterations to it.

@Sean O'Neal I was living in Dallas/Fort Worth when Blur and Pulp were supposed to play Deep Ellum Live (I think). I had tickets and found out the day of the show that it was canceled. I was crushed. I really wish I could have seen that show.

Chewie's death is bizarre, but it also shows that the Yuuzhan Vong are unlike anything our heroes have ever encountered before. The moon crashing into the planet (the Yo'gand's Core tactic, if you're inclined to geek out) was one of many tactics the Yuuzhan Vong developed to fight and win wars without technology.

At least she didn't awaken to find a plastic comb placed in the chamber.

I was hoping for a Guest Actress nomination for Lady Anne.