
It's just a Poseidon Adventure reference.

Because of those vapid, talentless "celebrities," the first thing
that comes up when I type "kylie" (when I'm looking for something
related to Kylie Minogue, who hasn't really needed the last name
anywhere but the U.S. in the last 20 years) is "kylie jenner." I'm
sorry, who?

Also, people who do the same thing with musicals, no matter the quality.

I've always thought a movie followed by dinner (and cookies) was the perfect date. You see a movie and then you have a shared experience to talk about. It's a good ice breaker, and it helps alleviate any nervousness one might initially have.

Dental plan!

At the most recent concert I attended, someone pulled out an iPad to take video. Seriously. A fucking iPad.

I have always made mixtapes for the guys I really liked (all six of them). My fiance is the first one who actually made me a mixtape. When someone's willing to take that much time to craft a mixtape, especially one that isn't full of boilerplate selections but full of songs that are specific and unique to that person,

Just about all of the scenarios in this article would be hell for me, especially people at a concert who won't shut up. Look, are you here to see a band or talk to your friends? [At the House Of Blues, Chicago—which is, officially, The Worst—my fiance and I went to see Elbow and John Grant. This airhead was standing

Is The Leftovers the sequel to The Returned?

Ultimately, especially when dealing with pop culture, everything is irrelevant. But if you're going to have an irrelevant comparison contest about an irrelevant subject to determine what is the "best" of that irrelevant subject, at least include the best. Otherwise your irrelevant comparison contest about an

Which is why this entire tournament is irrelevant.

Honestly, it's "Mizumono" or GTFO.

When Serge and Léna were fucking, I could just hear Sister Jude: "Are you purposely trying to make a murder baby?"

Huh-huh huh-huh. You said, "bear guy's meat."

My favorite running gag is AV Club commenters asking about the return of community grades.

So…about those Community Grades and personal lists of TV shows we're following…

That shit is evil.

Double the Paulson Screams!