
Sure, go ahead, twist the knife.


Poor Martha Watch

Well, there were a few big questions that weren't answered…

NBC's taking their Olympics tape delay stance to new extremes.

My Man Louie

R.I.P. Zaftig

That scene reminds me of my housemates and upstairs neighbors. I was laughing so hard I was practically crying.

I didn't mind "One Man's Trash" either. I never understood why anyone had a problem with it. But that could have something to do with my experience with the bear and chub communities where some muscled-up, underwear catalog model-looking guy is only into guys over 300 pounds. The dick wants what the dick wants.

Swan Lake? Joslyn, is that you?

As far as entertaining, surprising, and overall good, I think Season 4 was the best.

At least we got the phrase "Muppet Drunk" out of it.

Here's some info on why Absolut bailed. It was posted in a discussion of this season's episode "Oh No She Betta Don't."

Darienne should have gone home. You know, like, three weeks ago.

From a musical theater-loving gay, Grease is a terrible musical. Tacky. Awful songs. Can't stand the movie.

I'd advise Stan not to pop his gum.

I googled it and got Governing Body Agenda. So…I guess that's it.

Magnolia should be replaced in the reunion by the real 14th queen: Ornacia.

As has been mentioned many times before, the only spin-off that needs to happen is Charm School with Bianca Del Rio and Latrice Motherfuckin' Royale.

I hate to be that guy, but…