
I never said that trans people should be grateful for what RuPaul or RuPaul's Drag Race has "done for them." That was one of several questions you asked, but I wasn't answering that question or any of your other questions.

Your sarcasm detector is broken.


Drag has been referred to as a misogynistic minstrel show mocking women and femininity. So, does that mean that we should do away with the show altogether?

Did she mean…Dian Fossey? That famous skinner of animals as portrayed by Sigourney Weaver in Animal Skinners In The Mist.

Joslyn should have come out as a black horse.

To go with the foot metaphor. I think this is more like how throughout the course of a day, your feet are in danger of being stepped on. You can bump into things. You can stub your toes. Any number of things can happen to your feet, both accidental and deliberate. But you can't control the cracks and protrusions of

Ultimately, policing language doesn't do anything. People will find new words to use as insults. So this isn't the end of the problem.

What if I find "cis" to be offensive because it reminds me of being called a "sissy" when I was a little kid?

Says the actor who played Rachel Tension in Ticked-Off Trannies With Knives

I read that as Bianca Del Toro and had a weird mash-up of Bianca Del Rio and Hellboy going on there for a second.

When I read "eleganzon't," I heard Gonzo in my head and wanted some Ele-Gonzo Muppet Realness.

If they could come up with a punny or funny version of them, I wouldn't have a problem with it. I don't let words have power over me.

I was waiting for the qualifier after she said she was just being sarcastic. The "grain of truth" bullshit was just what I was expecting. She's really covering up a sour mean streak that isn't very becoming or endearing. I don't think she would have been the "people's choice" contestant if people had known how awful

I too pegged Trinity as cannon fodder in the premiere episodes, but, DAMN, she really surprised me. Her runway looks were sometimes really incredible (last night's was fantastic and really should have kept her safe). When she finally opened up about HIV and started challenging herself and believing in her ability to

Great commentary on the removal of "She-Mail" from the show:

That's not a good Top 40. "Daydreamer" for fuck's sake. Powder, Salad, Ocean Colour Scene, My Life Story, and Northern Uproar? Ugh.

6 Music's Facebook poll for the greatest song released in their 10-year history got hijacked by a bunch of Coldplay fans and the #1 song ended up being "Clocks."

But the music isn't really Britpop. They were really odd men out during that period.