
Honestly, they couldn't have done a new variation on this where Oscar is a schlubby, bearish gay guy and Felix is a prissy, metrosexual straight guy?

Oh! It was the name of the guy's blog who came up with it: "No Machete Juggling."


Whew, the casting of Jaina Solo is safe!

The New York Times posts another 100 articles about it. All future twentysomething career path decisions filtered through lens of barely watched/barely watchable but obsessively covered television program. Because zeitgeist!

C3-PO has his memory wiped. R2-D2 does not. R2 chuckles about it.


You watch the films in the following order:

I like the water.

I have a feeling Ahsoka is going to show up in Rebels.

For the most part, I like the story of the prequels but not always the execution. Some things are great (John Williams' score, visualizing Coruscant, the last 45 minutes of Attack Of The Clones, the film noir-inspired parts of AOTC, Order 66, the fight between Yoda and Sidious) while others that have been detailed

I was halfway expecting this to start playing on the soundtrack when Emily and Niko started fighting:

Big gay clown. So, it's a step up for him.

Topless theological discussions.

Let the hate-watching of The After begin!

Did someone order the Lena Headey Single Clap gif?

If it had gone solely to a live finale without the public input, I would believe that it was solely because the winner was leaked. But when the public feedback was incorporated at the same time, it read to me as a check to make sure that, even though Ru had final say, the public's opinion (what will ultimately

Well, out of Hodor make-up, I think he's actually pretty hot.

I also remember that after Tyra and Raja won their respective seasons, there were complaints about why they had won. In particular, there were rumors about Raja being friends with Ru or having done make-up for Ru that led to some people claiming the whole thing was fixed.