
I guess we'll just have to make do with this, for now.

This has been a topic of discussion in my circle of friends ever since Macklemore won Grammys for his "No Homo but It's Cool With Me" song.

Yeah, but he was bullied by Karovsky. Hot hot Karovsky. Who turned out to be gay.

And, of course, my fiance said that was going to be played at our wedding. Along with some atrocity called "The Chicken Dance"(?) and "The Hokey Poke-me." I'll be sabotaging and replacing those data files just prior to the reception.

Marry: Lynn or Doris (they're the most mature people on the show)
Fuck: John (that man is thick)
Kill: Agustin (always kill Agustin)

After seeing that ticket for not having his wheels turned in, suddenly, I'm a little less upset about Chicago's 75-year parking meter contract.

Hey, if the writers of Nashville can turn Avery into a sympathetic character in the second season after making me play "How Can Avery Die A Painful Death" in every episode of the first season, I have faith in the writers of Looking to change Agustin. Not that they will, but it's possible. Also, see Season 3 Jaime

I think Patrick was so focused on his, admittedly horrible, family and their reaction to 'Richard' that he just ticked off the looks-more-presentable-to-my-parents-now-that-he's-shaved box and was relieved that it wasn't something else he'd have to worry about. Super shallow and dismissive, to be sure. But at least it

We were sitting there trying to place who was playing Patrick's mom. When it hit that it was Julia (Fucking) Duffy, we both just about fell out of our seats. And then I realized that Peter Scolari was Hannah's dad on Looking's Sunday night companion piece.

There's where that bears in theory vs. bears in practice issue comes up.

Julia Fucking Duffy.

Why did I get an Orphan Black notification for this?

I thought Jay-Z ordered the "Death Of Auto-Tune."

Wow. The more I read about John Ridley, the more I dislike him as a person. Shame he happened to write the script for such a great film.

The Descendants is so tonally different from every other movie by Alexander Payne that I can't see how what ended up on screen was in any way Payne's adaptation. The Descendants has heart, genuine emotion, and real affection for its characters, which makes more sense coming from Faxon and Rash than it does Payne.

Exactly. Just be yourself.

Yes. Yes, that's exactly it.

There's one unforgivably terrible thing about Pulp Fiction that ruins it for me every time: Quentin Tarantino.