
This is also the reason Kill Bill didn't get any Academy attention.

American Hustle is a good entertaining movie. It's just not a work of art. There are glimpses of the grander statement it could have made about how sometimes to do something good that would benefit more people the only way that can actually be achieved is through corrupt means. Or how the political scandals of the 70s

But they didn't recognize her superior work in House Of Sand And Fog.

I would read the fuck out of that book.

All of the above are right on the money.

That horrendous song just saved you 2 hours of your life you would never have gotten back. Dev Patel is put to more interesting use on The Newsroom tracking down Bigfoot.

The best alternate title was The Summer Of My German Cougar.

HATED Amadeus. The last 20 minutes is truly great filmmaking, but the lead-up to that is interminable and juvenile.

Dancer In The Dark? Hedwig And The Angry Inch? Velvet Goldmine? Pennies From Heaven?

Actually, I thought all of those films even getting a nomination was terrible.

Network was prophetic. I think it's even more relevant now—though much less of a satire and more of a warning of how much television news has devolved into sensationalism and inaccuracy. Fox News, anyone?

"…musicals always win…"

I hated Unforgiven. It just never worked for me. For me, it's one of Eastwood's lesser pictures, even though it's his genre specialty.

I know you're talking about films, but Parade, Ragtime, The Wild Party, and the 1998 revival of Cabaret cannot be called camp and/or not narratively original/complex.

Birth Of A Nation is so much worse. Also, it's boring which is something I can't say about Gone With The Wind. I think Gone With The Wind is incredible storytelling with some truly great performances.

Mediterraneo? Oh, wait, that just won Best Foreign Language Film.

Racism pushed Sandy down the stairs.

Calling one of the most cynical musicals ever made "treacly" leads me to believe maybe you let your hatred for the musical form cloud your understanding of the movie. Chicago is about women who get away with murder and become celebrities because they (with the help of their lawyer) manipulate the media and the jury