Cuban Conclusion

Score board mother fucker, look at it. Our people are leading this world and your people are filling prisons and populating the fucking ghetto. It should say something to you that you have to look back to ancient civilizations to find the last time your people were actually considered advanced and prosperous.

Never doubt the ability of black people to blame all of their faults and shortcomings on the evil white man. It’s like a fucking disease with these people. They are incapable of taking the first ounce of personal responsibility for their actions. Their entire piss poor miserable existence is wholly the fault of white

So conflicted on this. On one hand I am really over with the online lynch mobs coming after anyone remotely in or near the public eye for the slightest fuck up. On the other though it’s some fucking delicious karma to watch the internet come down on the prick reporter.

That man is clearly a wizard. They should throw him into the nearest water trap immediately and see if he floats just to be sure though.

Who can ever forget “Ach! Hans, run! It’s the lhurgoyf!”. Those were ol’ Saffi Eriksdotter’s last words.

Damn prinnies can’t be trusted with network security it seems.

Won’t be long now until people start screaming how she should be some kind of trans lesbian furry with a lazy eye and a learning disability.

Or more likely, like most of our actual gun laws, it will be rendered useless by the fact it won’t be enforced to any meaningful degree.

I really wish one of the boys would have taken Colin in the back and had a nice little “chat” with him. That prick said some pretty horrible shit after Eddie died.

Harry Reid is another one to look at if you want to see some grade A corruption. This guy has spent all but two years of his working life as a public servant but somehow is a millionaire multiple times over with a trail of shady as fuck land and investment deals in his wake.

I don’t know too many “good guys” that make a point to get high in a car with a toddler.

Sadly though they are still just teenagers and as soon as the next big news item hits they will be relegated to near total irrelevancy. The only reason they have made so many waves to this point is because the news media has given them unprecedented amounts of free coverage and air time. Once that goes away, and it

According to Comey’s testimony on Jan 10th of last year the Russians did indeed try to hack the RNC using methods similar to the DNC attack and were successful on a smaller scale. The information they were able to get was older RNC information and information regarding state level campaigns and matters. None of this

Last I checked I’m not seeing many people on either side really bemoaning the fact they were tricked by Russian troll accounts. And let’s be clear here that the Russians were out there promoting every major candidate and cause. Hilary, Bernie, Trump, Pro Life, Pro Choice, Gun Rights Activists, Gun Control Activists,

Do you think that the conservatives were the only ones fooled by the Russians? If so, you are wholly incorrect. There were just as many groups supporting liberal causes ran by these Russian groups as conservative. There were fake groups protesting police brutality, advocating for lgbt causes, advocating for both

Sadly, both sides were fooled by and supported these fake Russian accounts. For every pro Trump ad or meme they posted there was a pro LGBT or pro Black activism post to go along with it. On the same day and in the same city these groups planned a Pro Trump rally and an anti Trump rally. The goal was to create discord

Let’s not pretend as though the Russians weren’t playing both sides of the isle. If I recall correctly they had a pro Trump and an anti Trump rally planned on the same day in the same city according to what was released last week. Trying to pretend this only happened to conservatives and Trump supporters is

I’d advise against getting too far ahead of yourself here. I said this down below but it’s worth repeating: these kids are one major news event away from being totally out of the public eye.

The Supreme Court already ruled on that notion in District of Columbia vs Heller: “The Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a militia, and to use that arm for traditionally lawful purpose”

The harsh reality these kids face is being one major news story away from total irrelevance. They have gained what traction they have so far thanks to a the massive amounts of free exposure the news media has given them. This exposure has benefited from a lack of any major news worthy event since the Florida shooting.