Next jackass who tells me Hillary was a traitor because she might not have been perfect about her emails gets ripped a new one.
Eh, I prefer these calls in football
Eat all the dicks, please.
This is the plot of Speed 3. The bus will blow up if the team it is carrying goes below .500.
It seems hypocritical to keep referring to it as an egg and not a chicken.
Corey Kluber is starting for the third time in the past nine days, and he gave up a dinger to Dexter Fowler on his…
i also piss in the sink
Pablo Sandoval moved by touching tribute
Gayl, all the way.
“I am eager to help you gain more experience ... with some ... hand ... under your belt!”
Lindsay seems nice.
TFW you have to stay strong for the people back in Cwdyrrrrfyxkjfuygfkjs Mawr.
From his website:
Update: The Tennessee Republican later tweeted this:
+ .13