
Step 1. Get drunk.

"Bundled" makes it sound like you're comparing this to the crapware that comes pre-installed on most Windows machines. You should make the distinction. That is NOT a problem on the Mac.

I fail to see how knowing how to ski/snowboard will change my perspective of winter in NYC when there are no places in NYC to ski or snowboard.

Not worth it.

Best Buy also has the same Chromebook for the same price. But at Best Buy you can also get a year free of Office 365 Personal.

Best Buy also has the same Chromebook for the same price. But at Best Buy you can also get a year free of Office 365

I know at least for the company I work for (Fortune 100), but we hire most of our interns in the Fall, and very few in the spring, as we have filled most of our positions by this point. I know that's not the same for every company, but a PSA for a PSA

There are laws on the books about responsibility. Technically the vehicle is under the care of the dealership. His premiums should not rise because of an accident of the dealer. It's more "a deductible". The owner will have to pay over about 5-7 years increased premiums, and other penalties. The dealer has full

so called poverty cloth seats doesnt need heaters

The fun part is my one friend that posted it said "the only benefit is maybe having a warm car to get into"

My issue isn't forgetting, it's gathering the energy and desire to go all the way downstairs to get it. Is there a hack for that?

You can do that and have been able to do that. You just don't know how to do it.

So.....Apple held a gun to someone's head and forced them to buy music through iTunes?

Where? I didn't see a body. All I saw was a person who was very clearly alive lying in the middle of a snow covered street.

Wow, a body, really? Nice clickbait.

Just let the parking space go. It's October. It's a Wednesday. You'll find another spot.

Just let the parking space go. It's October. It's a Wednesday. You'll find another spot.

Well, that's still a problem. Have you ever clicked the link that says something about "do not have access" or something? It takes you to a backup verification page that sadly defaults to a text or phone call to your number.

I didn't see him mention race anywhere...who's the racist?

All I did was post a funny .gif...

Aww...freedom of speech, in a free, open forum. Make me.