
Don’t think it is that hard, if they see you using it, they can just revoke your press pass and kick you out.

By the look of his name tag, he is a doctor that works for North Shore LIJ (aka. Northwell Health) which is a huge company and a chain of hospitals in the NYC/Long Island area. That is probably his personal computer with his actual work laptop right there closed on the desk.

I use about 10 GB of Data a month. On AT&T that would be $95, on Project Fi that would be $130.

Does anyone have any benchmarks on this? Because it seems the i7 in this guy is still slower than the MacBook Pro with worse graphics.

Everyone has it on sale. It is a Nest promotion, not an Amazon one. Gizmodo just mentions Amazon because they get a kickback if you buy it on Amazon using the link above.

Everyone has it on sale. It is a Nest promotion, not an Amazon one. Gizmodo just mentions Amazon because they get a

Wait, what??????

This is not unique to Amazon nor is it today only.

This is not unique to Amazon nor is it today only.

Not only that, but taxes of employees who work in the area, commute there, and shop there will also raise a lot of revenue that should pay for all of that.

The article is about myths, that title is a said myth.

Correct, the $1.4 million figure is just how much money the government gave IBM for a contract. Who knows what is actually in that contract. It can include iPads, support, and maybe even other applications that the TSA uses for other things on their regular computers.

Nobody really swipes anymore.

I don’t get the point of your comment. A millennial is anyone who grew up in the late 90s and early 2000s.

Don’t see how that would work. Whenever I entered in a wrong PIN, the transaction was declined and I had to swipe my card again.

The liability date was actually back in October of last year, not January.

Well, in a way it does make sense. Not everyone in New York can even use the MTA services. Why should people in Buffalo be paying for the Subway in NYC?

Well they did rename themselves to “Softcard”

It was enterprise, and for me it was a terrible car. In fact, I am not the only one. A friend of mine I was with also got the same car and he hated it too.

I was in Colorado this past week and my rental car was the older 200. It was the worst car ever. The slope and size of the windshield and roof made it hard to see out of. I was constantly leaning forward looking for oncoming cars. In addition, the headlights were terrible and I could not see anything.

He was a retard, he saw the car coming and went to grab his camera.

My flight was cancelled, but Delta put me on a flight with 1 connection and a 45 minute layover in first class.