
it's still unique and unchanging

What is impressive is that the producers actually researched iOS app development and actually used the correct names such as "CCamera", "UIButton" and "UIViewController"

I really want to buy the domain, but I can't justify paying $10 for it.

It also supports ApplePay with an "Apple SIM", and "iBeacon microlocation"

Wouldn't the program have to run as root for that to work? I don't remember that every happening.

Remove the HTTPS, you probably have the HTTPS Everywhere extension installed.

So your baby on 1 flight represents the reaction of all babies on all flights?

The American mall is a dead and dying creature

You are an idiot. It has nothing to do with companies. It has to do with using certain apps in certain locations and making the user experience better. I have had my app show up before when near a train station, (transit app), I don't get a single dime nor did I pay anything.

Starbucks doesn't even have in-app purchase. And neither does CVS, nor Best Buy, nor Walmart, but all those apps show up when I am in the store.

does that make him annoying? It is not like Deadmau5 is posting all the articles.

I applied to schools first, then when I was accepted and decided what school I would be going to, then did I actually fill out the FAFSA.

So, if it was a man it would be okay, right?

You can't fake a .gov site, just click on the twitter icon on the top right.

It is not obvious it is sarcasm, in the past something like that would happen. Management would cut your card if it was declined.

For some reason reportes decided that Apple is removing the headphone jack since they added audio support to the lightning port specifications, just like Google did in Android L.

It is on iOS 8 at least.

Don't forward it to that number. It does nothing for iMessage.