
True, but I think the girl correct her tweet to say that is was "laundry", not "dirty clothes".

Okay, so you are telling me that half of the airplane's instruments shut down and the pilot did not notice it? Are you this naive?

Are you confusing the transponder with the black box? They are not the same thing. Do you even know what the transponder is?

Both transponders were turned off before the last radio contact. So somehow both transponders malfunctioned at the same time and no alarms went off?

And it has been repeated time and time again, there needs to be a way to turn off the transponder in an electrical emergency.

Both transponders were disabled before they lost radio contact. If there was an electrical fire then why didn't the pilot say something or radio for help?

Why would the US care about a plane flying on the other side of the world?

You pay tax at the DMV when you register the car. New Jersey will still charge you tax if you register the car there.

Well, what exactly backfired? If they did choose to install the system the only thing it would do is speed up the investigation and allow us to find the plane faster. It wouldn't have prevented the accident in the first place. Is it worth the money when it won't actually help save lives?

It is selling at more than double the rate of the Galaxy S4.

I mean Apple is only selling ~7 of them per second.

Most of the factory is going to be your service provider.

CON: (its a big one) Requires Apple devices to setup and configure

Yes because a 64 bit processor, better GPU, better camera sensor, finger print sensor, and dual flash can all be accomplished with a software update.

So, here's our first hands on (shot using Windows Mobile 8):

The car UI updates with the phone. If your phone gets an update, so does the CarPlay interface.

CarPlay updates with the phone, so as your phone gets software updates, so will CarPlay.

You just plug in your new USB cable.

So this is what is happening, you can have an Android powered system but use Apple APIs to interface with Siri. The Siri integration is just a bluetooth protocol that is implemented to the car system.

While I agree Android would have been a better decision, QNX is NOT BlackBerry. BB simply owns the license to QNX which pretty much operates as a separate company.