
Touchscreens are not software.

Then why did you say "The childish part of me is laughing at Apple users saying it costs too much and has limited functionality."

Does a Mac have limited functionality or can it do everything a Windows 8 computer can do.

Yea, Apple releases their Supplier list, like they have been doing for past decade. It has nothing to do with Obama or making themselves look better. The "study" is just a list of suppliers Apple makes public. It is not a study.

No, never got beat up. But in usually never correct anyone either. My post this time was mostly being sarcastic.

Oh, sorry. I didn't realize that you are a different person than OP.

If you had a brain in your head then you would have seen it was a joke.

Well, if you are going to hack an account and make things up, at least make them so they could be factually true.

You are completely over thinking this and bringing in politics where it is not needed.

"It's no surprise that the study was funded by Apple."

You have to download the Android SDK.

I usually do, that's what my bookmark is set at.

Yea, that is what I was referring to as their "new design".

Gawker really needs a like/recommend button. Even their new design doesn't have it.

causalities = / = casualties

What is your problem? Saltboy is right, there are several places in Mexico, India, and Africa where it is not parricide. Would you describe Juárez as being exactly the same as Cozumel or Cancun?

Don't think so, I think when they purchased the ticket they waived the cruise liner from certain responsibilities.

I have not found a good reason to use Growl any more. Most apps now use Notification Center, and if they don't Hiss has been working out for me.

Several high profile reporters have been caught lying, the white house press core is famous for being lapdogs

Yes, but at least you had a solid supply of food and a working toilet and running water. Oh, an shit wasn't pouring down your walls.