
The link was working before, I was trying to download it but I was on 3G and couldn't wait for it to finish, now its gone =(

it's not that they deserve it, but if they managed to die because of this then it was ony a matter of time. If this didn't happen then something else would have to cause them to die. Like being stupid.

Plus, it looks likenitmhets rid of the URL keyboard. Now you have to manually type ".com"

You should have gotten this today.

Everything but the design has changed, thats not a small upgrade. But the media tends to ignore it since it looks the same.

Yep, the entire phone is completely different, except for the design. If they changes the shape and changed "4S" to "5" they would have said it is the best phone in the world.

You have until about the day the phone ships to get AppleCare+. They sent me an email this morning saying that If I want it to reply to the email.

I did that once, (exactly what you did), and I lost my star for that. Just cautioning you. At least I still have my star on Lifehacker.

Yes there were, I would know. I made one.

So what if the iPhone "5" comes out next year. By the time that happens there will be 200K new Nokia Win7 phones.

No all iPhone 4Ses are "4G" on AT&T, November is when the unlocked one comes out.

Me too, but I didn't get back to my room until almost 3AM anyway so I only had to stay up for another hour.

Why did you approve his comment? You should have just ignored it.

Last year the ship date slipped to 2 weeks in just a few hours. Looks like this year they have more stock.

Here is a download of Win32 iTunes 10.5 beta 7 (straight from the dev portal)

Are you using Windows 32, Windows 64, or Mac OS X?

No, I am talking about something like, "the initial batch of iPhone 4Ses had a yellow tint to the screen"

Well we currently say " the iPhone 3GS es" so I would say "iPhone 4S es"

No but you can say "Siri sounds like, XXXX in the United States".

Me too.