They stopped providing funds for WikiLeaks.
They stopped providing funds for WikiLeaks.
Never happened too me, I used to work with a professional locksmith and it would take some time depending on models. BMWs were the hardest and could take up to 30 minutes to make sure the glass doesn't shatter. When you are doing something like inflating the bag the Glass in the window bends, if you are not careful…
Yes, when a child is dying in a car that is 120º you want to spend those precious minutes trying not to damage the car. Smashing a window, 1 second, opening using a jimmy 5-15 minutes.
Nope, my phone is completely naked, but I do have this: []
I see them at about 75% of retailers in New York. All chain and big box stores like Walmart and the supermarkets have them. Some small retailers like local pizzerias also have them.
Sent from Google Maps on iOS as a MMS to the Android Phone.
Nope, text message.
I have all my music on my 1TB Time Capsule and have port forwarding setup so I can use AFP to connect to it from anywhere. With a 40 Mbps upload speed it works perfectly.
I was talking about the reliability and ease of use ( no mounting) as nothing being able to beat it.
That is why I said "some", not most or all or majority, unless you can speak for all people on earth.
If you want a better list with City and ISP breakdown you can checkout site,
Most loans are 36 months+. Some are as high as 96 months!
Nothing beats an In dash navi. Reliability and ease of use (no mounding) makes it worth it for some people. My dealer through it in as a "gift" too since they wanted us to buy a car but they didn't have any on the lot w/o a navi and he wanted us to drive it off the lot that night. (Last day of the month)
Well when you spend over $90K on a car does $1,500 really make that much of a difference? And its actually $1,185 =)
True, or they would just scratch the number but they won't. They just sell the parts and this was it can really never come back to them since it is hard to find small parts of a stolen car then the entire car.
Again? You never asked me and I never said how they were going to do it? Are you even replying to the correct person?
VIN etching? Every single car that I have seen in the past 10 years already has this standard, out of the factory.
Good luck with that!
Who is your airline? If you call them up they may be able to give you a refund on the tax. JetBlue is doing that.