

It's been said, but there was a PC version. It's probably better, since it looks nicer!

I bet Microsoft buys Oculus Rift.

Well if nothing else now all current-gen consoles are very clearly differentiated by a distinctive doohickey.

At the Hollister Independence Rally, there was a team that did this on motorcycles, one was a girl rider and she was f*****g awesome, they also did go carts on it, the structure was rickety and would flex and move every time the riders went by you and if you held out money the riders would snatch it out of your

So, apparently the first one to comment on the article, gets to suggest a change to the article.... how very meta of you.

Fixed it so it doesn't autoplay. Anything for you, Riduy.

Whoa. I actually came up with an idea like this just yesterday, while talking with a good friend of mine about his experiences growing up in Iran in the 80s.

Interesting that you posted an article about the role of guns in games, I think a couple days ago? This seems like it won't be about gunning down everyone in sight, which is refreshing.

Great point. I like how you're thinking here.

Especially if it takes place in an American metropolitan area. Sleeping Dogs did it right. Guns are rare in Hong Kong so they made them scarce more of pain on purpose. Choose a setting where guns aren't prevalent if you want no guns.

Guns to attract the twitchers; phone to attract the thinkers.

Guns don't kill good game design. People kill good game design.

Depends on your definition of worship. Some fandoms can be justifiably called religions after all.

Mac support? lolwut

So...how about those heists, Rockstar?

Damn, it would be great if they'd bring him back, but I think Tiregate 2012 put an end to that.

Kevin Butler

Anyone who tries to argue that a specific fanbase or group of fanboys is worse than another is more than likely a fanboy themselves and is only contributing to the problem.