I wax my pits and my only regret is shaving them for a decade before discovering it. They’re gloriously smooth now, and it takes 2 minutes once a week to maintain.
I wax my pits and my only regret is shaving them for a decade before discovering it. They’re gloriously smooth now, and it takes 2 minutes once a week to maintain.
Sorry for the late reply, but do you mind sharing what is your go to nail polish brand?
This Kingdom is so Tragic :-(
Literally everything you said.
One of my greatest regrets is never seeing No Doubt perform...a regret only deepened by having been convinced to wait on a ticket line all night to see a Bush concert at Madison Square Garden.
I’ve got a few of my own, but I’m telling my brother’s because it’s/he’s fucking boss.
For some reason when I saw the original gif I thought Jasmine would be played by Sara Palin
From the post article:
“Now if you’re in the market for, say, a mechanism to spy on American citizens or participate in extralegal drone killings, gimme a ring.”
“No other vaccine is require for just one gender,” she explains, “so it felt like there was something different about this one.”
The Onyx box review reminds me of a question I’ve been desperate to crowd source!
For those characterizing this as a “white lady discount” it isn’t. The wage gap of 77% results from averaging the salaries of all women (of all ethnicities/races) against the salaries of all men (of all ethnicities/races). Subcomparisons can be made, which reveals things such as hispanic women make 53% when compared…
When I lost my first tooth, I put it under the pillow without telling anyone. When I woke up the next day and it was still there, I started sobbing because I really thought my experiment would prove that the Tooth Fairy was real.
I had to read the whole article before I realized that sentence needs to read:
It’s worth mentioning that it’s very much in Graham’s political interest to reject Trump. If Fox proceeds with it’s plan to allow only 10 candidates to debate, and determines those candidates from national poll numbers, Trump will definitely get a spot and Graham most likely will not.
Totes intentional. After the anecdotes, it’s the best thing to come from my years of living with insane wierdos.
It honestly sounds like this rue mate is gas lighting you... and maybe winning :-/
Am I the only one who’s always called it Crackwhore Barrel?