
We are so behind so many countries in math and science. They are not even getting the basic education because they are getting taught that evolution doesn't exist and that the earth is 6,000 years old.

I own no contemporary country albums, nor any Miley Cyrus albums, but I am totally buying this when it comes out.

Her posture is amazing!

From the "Raised by Narcissists" subreddit:

Tell us more

You are not alone. I had to look it up too. It's a Reddit specific nomenclature on the "Narcissistic Parents" forum—N refers to "narcissistic" and E refers to "enabler." So in this case, her dad's the narcissist and her mom's the enabler.

You are not alone. I had to look it up too. It's a Reddit specific nomenclature on the "Narcissistic Parents" forum—N refers to "narcissistic" and E refers to "enabler." So in this case, her dad's the narcissist and her mom's the enabler.

Here's an update: reddit.

Maybe just order a taco, add sour cream?

I think the real lesson here is: if you yank all the hair off of a pussy, you can claim it's not a pussy.

Not only the first black cover model (though you wouldn't know it from this pic!), but also the first to be taking off her suit.

She should write this out 27 times, and ask her dad to pop one in the box every 4 months.

To slightly reposition your question—Forgiveness occurs between the perpetrator and the victim not the perpetrator and society at large. Though NFL fans or society may have felt betrayed or let down by Rice, they weren't actually victimized by him. If anything his actions showed that the relationship fans felt for

I was in my early 20's and seriously lacking in the judgment department. I spent the night at a friend's party drinking beer and getting high. Around 4am, I decided that I wanted to go home, and that I was sober enough to drive my car home the 3/4 of a mile to my house on residential roads. When I was at the final

Uh... I guess it's possible that the notoriously private couple who stayed out of the public eye during the pregnancy and announced their intentions to keep the child protected from the insane shitshow of public celebrity prior to her birth (you now, before they knew what she would look like) are actually just hiding

For whatever reason, Tablo only runs on Chrome (v. annoying). Anyway, I accidentally didn't uncheck one of the million boxes that ask you to install ancillary 3rd party programs along with your install. But it wasn't just 3rd party software that was installed, it was malware. The kind that redirects all browser

I love On the Media, but man Bob Garfield is so routinely off the mark when it comes to political analysis that it drives me nuts. That he shrouds he chooses to express his conservatism (the generic old man type) through pettiness and snark doesn't help either. If Garfield really cared about journalism, his response

Extra dimension to the Beyoncé docket: This is motherhood shade. While Bey is known for keeping Blue out of the limelight almost entirely, Kim goes to the other extreme and uses hers as a fashion prop. So in a way, identifying that prop as such (princess is a brilliant choice—plausible deniability yet scathing

I've been living with my (now) husband for 9 years. We moved in together after 4 months. It was easily a year too soon. We basically have very different ideas about how everything should be done, and getting to know that via experiencing one another's individual spaces would have helped the transition.

Each of those sweaters is fucking boss.