
I hear you, and certainly don't have anything at stake at convincing you otherwise. I was responding not only to the absence, but also the statement, "A circumcised penis was particularly gross" found in the article. Which is to say, that it seemed that both in art and in poetry, the preference was not merely de

I've already conceded that applying antisemitism is an anachronistic, and take your point. The rest of what your response would also hold true if, in fact, Jews did not live in Ancient Greece, and if the Greeks were unfamiliar with cut penises. This, however, is not true.

This makes sense, though the 5th century is definitely earlier than I was thinking (I was more thinking Aristotle than Aristophanes). Regardless, I'll be sure to broaden my Ancient penile categories to include not just Jewish, but all barbaric penises (in the original sense).

Your assertion that they were unfamiliar with circumcised penises is incorrect, but since being intensely insulting for no reason isn't my style, I won't call you goddamned moronic for not knowing this.

I haven't heard of Ancient Egypts, but I have heard of Egyptians :) But you're right, they did circumcise. But by and large, Egyptians didn't live in Greece, whereas Jews did. I agree that it would seem weird, I agree that there would be cultural and aesthetic bias. That was my intended point, though I should have

I only meant to imply that the aesthetic preference was for non-Jewish penises, as they would have been the only ones cut at the time. To the extent that the dominant culture gets to paint non-dominant cultures as "ugly", it implies negative judgment.

I didn't mean to apply the term anachronistically, just to explain that the aesthetic preference was for non-Jewish penises, as they would have been the only ones cut at the time. To the extent that the dominant culture gets to paint non-dominant cultures as "ugly", it implies negative judgment.

I take your point, I didn't mean to apply the term anachronistically, just to explain that the aesthetic preference was for non-Jewish penises, as they would have been the only ones cut at the time. To the extent that the dominant culture gets to paint non-dominant cultures as "ugly", it implies negative judgment.

The preference for foreskin is a result of anti-Semitism.

I just ordered a ton of Salon effects from Amazon. Thanks for the tip!

There really isn't any truth to that. If schools really need a particular kind of student, they offer scholarships and recruit. General admission is based on academic metrics primarily and extracurricular activities secondarily (if at all). Then after ranking students, a balance of diversity (considered in terms of

Of course if he had pushed her back when she swung, or in some other way defended himself while he was driving, that would of course be a different situation. He calmly pulled the bus over, parked it, casually walked towards her, pulled back, delivered an incredibly powerful blow to her jaw, then dragged her off the

Lol, yes. Excellent reading comprehension skills.

Proportionality was but one of many different angles of this event, so I don't feel compelled to defend this part to the exclusion of all else. This is the logic behind the Kill at Will laws (aka Stand Your Ground) though. I don't know how you feel about those, and don't want to turn this into that. But if you've

To clarify: neither Fisher nor any of the commenters who claim to have had "their spot" given to "a foreigner (or whatever your preferred euphemism)" have any understanding about how AA works (nor, apparently, any care/understanding for the lingering systemic biases that continue to exist that it seeks to ameliorate).

Was she wrong to hit him? Absolutely. Does this justify his response? Under no circumstances.

For someone who likes to decry whackjobs so much, you sure do a great job emulating them.

I do think that compelling women to mobilize is an important dimension of advancing women's rights, and to that end I think Lindy does a real service.

Whoa, hello old post!

a weird backwards boner. Lol for days, Lindy.