
I tend towards the theoretical, which makes me a bad resource for empirical studies. I do know that thinking about the ways in which the structure of society (in terms of material resources, labor and power) effects human biology was of particular interest for some radical feminists around the turn of the 20th

But he did know a lot about human behavior, and the lies we tell ourselves about it.

All of this, yes.

I've read your comment a few times now, and it isn't clear to me how it's a response to what I posted. Or put differently, I can't discern from your response what point you think I was trying to make. Perhaps I was unclear, so let me clarify.

Just a hunch, but a lack of diversity in cast probably reflects a lack of diversity in the writing staff.

I struggle with these kinds of questions constantly (mother who moved to the rural south and adopted the viewpoints of the area). While the situations are different, we're both tackling the same thing: willful ignorance. The first step to overcoming this disposition is the most difficult: A person has to be willing

Edit: - 1st amendment rights, + free speech rights (sorry, Canada!)

I genuinely appreciate that this story takes a point of view that questions some fairly unquestioned assumptions about public discourse. That readers of this site will respond negatively to the MRA is a given. But the extent to which rejecting the MRA requires questioning the value, content, and nature of 1st

Interesting. I think there's something to this, but this article this article collapses trends towards nostalgizing and fetishizing childhood into the category of romanticizing. Zooey Deschanel and Sarah Silverman fall into the former category—expressing youthfulness while resisting sexual objectification, even

Obvs, if I don't mind leaving the house in pajamas, I don't mind a dick in my mouth. Not caring what's on my body = not caring what's in my body. Duh.


What's sadder?

I see what you did there.

While I agree that the sex offender laws in most states deserve some serious reconsideration, I don't really follow the leaps that has lead many people to come to the defense of this guy.

Even better, just rub some of the fabric that isn't streaked onto the part that is. Voila. Works every time and doesn't require any additional components. I don't know why it works, but I know that it does.

By "teeth sucking sound" do you mean "pss pss"? As in, the way one literally calls a cat? Because if so, I second the claim that it is even worse and would make the case for distinguishing it from whistling and move it to its own number one spot.

This article is too hard on anus waxing.

"If it takes someone more than 20 years to notice how to properly use "it's," then that's not a learning curve I'm comfortable with."

All of those are beautiful, thank you!

Yeah, sorry, it was the only graph that didn't include a legend in the image. Maroon = "WRAP IT UP/LOCK IT DOWN, fer realz" territory.